What is the difference between 쉴 거예요 and 쉬할 거예요?

What is the difference between 쉴 거예요 and 쉬할 거예요?

The difference between 쉴 거예요 and 쉬할 거예요 lies in the verbs and their intended meanings:

쉴 거예요 comes from the verb 쉬다 (to rest). It means “I will rest” or “I’m going to rest.”

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Verb: 쉬다 (to rest)
  • Future tense form: 쉴 거예요 (I will rest / I’m going to rest)

쉬할 거예요 comes from the verb 쉬하다, a children’s term meaning “to pee.” It means “I will pee” or “I’m going to pee.”

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Verb: 쉬하다 (to pee, used with children)
  • Future tense form: 쉬할 거예요 (I will pee / I’m going to pee)

To summarize:
The difference lies in the verbs used: 쉬다 for resting and 쉬하다 for urination.


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