Korean Verbs with '-고 싶어요' Conjugations

Korean Verbs with ‘-고 싶어요’ Conjugations

“-고 싶어요” (go si-peo-yo) is a Korean phrase meaning “I want to…” It is used to express desires related to actions and is formed by attaching “-고” to the verb stem, followed by “싶어요”.

Sentence Structure – Verb Stem + 고 + 싶어요

  1. Identify the Verb: Start with the verb you want to express a desire for. For example:
    • 가다 (to go)
    • 먹다 (to eat)
    • 배우다 (to learn)
  2. Remove the 다 Ending: Take off the ending from the verb to get the verb stem.
    • 가다 → 가
    • 먹다 → 먹
    • 배우다 → 배우
  3. Add -고: Attach to the verb stem.
    • 가 + 고 → 가고
    • 먹 + 고 → 먹고
    • 배우 + 고 → 배우고
  4. Add 싶어요: Finally, add 싶어요 to express desire.
    • 가고 + 싶어요 → 가고 싶어요 (I want to go)
    • 먹고 + 싶어요 → 먹고 싶어요 (I want to eat)
    • 배우고 + 싶어요 → 배우고 싶어요 (I want to learn)

Below are commonly used Korean verbs paired with the phrase “-고 싶어요” (go si-peo-yo). The verbs included cover a range of everyday activities, from 사다 (to buy) and 사용하다 (to use) to 공부하다 (to study) and 노래하다 (to sing).

Practicing these expressions will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your sentence construction in Korean, making it easier to communicate what you want to do.

Korean Verbs with ‘-고 싶어요’ Conjugations

가다 = to go → 가고 싶어요 (ga-go si-peo-yo) = I want to go

오다 = to come → 오고 싶어요 (o-go si-peo-yo) = I want to come

걷다 = to walk → 걷고 싶어요 (geot-go si-peo-yo) = I want to walk

달리다 = to run → 달리고 싶어요 (dal-li-go si-peo-yo) = I want to run

타다 = to ride → 타고 싶어요 (ta-go si-peo-yo) = I want to ride

춤추다 = to dance → 춤추고 싶어요 (chum-chu-go si-peo-yo) = I want to dance

만나다 = to meet → 만나고 싶어요 (man-na-go si-peo-yo) = I want to meet

주다 = to give → 주고 싶어요 (ju-go si-peo-yo) = I want to give

받다 = to receive → 받고 싶어요 (bat-go si-peo-yo) = I want to receive

돕다 = to help → 돕고 싶어요 (dop-go si-peo-yo) = I want to help

이해하다 = to understand → 이해하고 싶어요 (i-hae-ha-go si-peo-yo) = I want to understand

사다 = to buy → 사고 싶어요 (sa-go si-peo-yo) = I want to buy

사용하다 = to use → 사용하고 싶어요 (sa-yong-ha-go si-peo-yo) = I want to use

먹다 = to eat → 먹고 싶어요 (meok-go si-peo-yo) = I want to eat

마시다 = to drink → 마시고 싶어요 (ma-si-go si-peo-yo) = I want to drink

자다 = to sleep → 자고 싶어요 (ja-go si-peo-yo) = I want to sleep

쉬다 = to rest → 쉬고 싶어요 (swi-go si-peo-yo) = I want to rest

듣다 = to listen → 듣고 싶어요 (deut-go si-peo-yo) = I want to listen

읽다 = to read → 읽고 싶어요 (ilg-go si-peo-yo) = I want to read

쓰다 = to write → 쓰고 싶어요 (sseu-go si-peo-yo) = I want to write

배우다 = to learn → 배우고 싶어요 (bae-u-go si-peo-yo) = I want to learn

공부하다 = to study → 공부하고 싶어요 (gong-bu-ha-go si-peo-yo) = I want to study

가르치다 = to teach → 가르치고 싶어요 (ga-reu-chi-go si-peo-yo) = I want to teach

열다 = to open → 열고 싶어요 (yeol-go si-peo-yo) = I want to open

닫다 = to close → 닫고 싶어요 (dat-go si-peo-yo) = I want to close

울다 = to cry → 울고 싶어요 (ul-go si-peo-yo) = I want to cry

웃다 = to laugh → 웃고 싶어요 (ut-go si-peo-yo) = I want to laugh

살다 = to live → 살고 싶어요 (sal-go si-peo-yo) = I want to live

기다리다 = to wait → 기다리고 싶어요 (gi-da-ri-go si-peo-yo) = I want to wait

노래하다 = to sing → 노래하고 싶어요 (no-rae-ha-go si-peo-yo) = I want to sing

하다 = to do → 하고 싶어요 (ha-go si-peo-yo) = I want to do


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