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To count money in Korean, you use the counter 원 (won), which is placed after the number to indicate the amount in Korean won (₩). 원 refers specifically to the Korean currency.
Structure: number + counter
How to use 원:
- 십 원 (sip won) = 10 won
- 백 원 (baek won) = 100 won
- 천 원 (cheon won) = 1,000 won
Example sentences:
- 이 사과는 천 원이에요. = This apple costs 1,000 won.
- 5,000 원 있어요. = I have 5,000 won.
- 커피 한 잔은 이백 원이에요. = One cup of coffee costs 200 won.
원 is used after the number to indicate the amount of money. You always use Sino-Korean numbers for counting money in Korean.