Korean Conversation Practice: I want to

Korean Conversation Practice: ‘I want to…’

What This Korean Practice Is About

In this Korean conversation practice, you’ll be learning how to ask and answer questions using the phrase -고 싶어요 (go si-peo-yo), which means “want to” in Korean. You’ll see how to ask someone what they want to do, eat, drink, or where they want to go, and you’ll practice responding with what you want.

Each conversation example uses different verbs and vocabulary, so you’ll get comfortable with how to naturally express what you want in everyday situations. As you work through the examples, focus on both the structure of the sentences and the new words being introduced. By the end, you should feel more confident using -고 싶어요 in your own conversations.


Conversation 1:

Jia: 뭐 먹고 싶어요? (mwo meok-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to eat?

Nari: 햄버거 먹고 싶어요. (haem-beo-geo meok-go si-peo-yo) = I want to eat a hamburger.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 2:

Jia: 뭐 하고 싶어요? (mwo ha-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to do?

Nari: 영화 보고 싶어요. (yeong-hwa bo-go si-peo-yo) = I want to watch a movie.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 3:

Jia: 뭐 마시고 싶어요? (mwo ma-si-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to drink?

Nari: 커피 마시고 싶어요. (keo-pi ma-si-go si-peo-yo) = I want to drink coffee.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 4:

Jia: 어디 가고 싶어요? (eodi ga-go si-peo-yo?) = Where do you want to go?

Nari: 한국에 가고 싶어요. (han-guk-e ga-go si-peo-yo) = I want to go to Korea.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 5:

Jia: 뭐 배우고 싶어요? (mwo bae-u-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to learn?

Nari: 한국어 배우고 싶어요. (han-gu-geo bae-u-go si-peo-yo) = I want to learn Korean.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 6:

Jia: 뭐 읽고 싶어요? (mwo il-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to read?

Nari: 책 읽고 싶어요. (chaek il-go si-peo-yo) = I want to read a book.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 7:

Jia: 뭐 사고 싶어요? (mwo sa-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to buy?

Nari: 옷 사고 싶어요. (sae ot sa-go si-peo-yo) = I want to buy clothes.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 8:

Jia: 뭐 쓰고 싶어요? (mwo sseu-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to write?

Nari: 편지 쓰고 싶어요. (pyeon-ji sseu-go si-peo-yo) = I want to write a letter.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 9:

Jia: 뭐 하고 싶어요? (mwo ha-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to do?

Nari: 춤추고 싶어요. (chum-chu-go si-peo-yo) = I want to dance.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'

Conversation 10:

Jia: 뭐 보고 싶어요? (mwo bo-go si-peo-yo?) = What do you want to see?

Nari: 바다 보고 싶어요. (ba-da bo-go si-peo-yo) = I want to see the ocean.

Korean Conversation Practice: 'I want to...'


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