How to say September in Korean

How to say September in Korean

September in Korean is “구월” (guwol).

  • (gu) means “nine.”
  • (wol) means “month.”

So, “구월” literally translates to the “ninth month.”

September in South Korea

September in South Korea is all about the start of 가을 (autumn). The weather cools down after the hot summer, and you’ll start to see the leaves changing color, especially in the mountains. It’s a perfect time for hiking or just enjoying a stroll in nature. Plus, there’s 추석 (Chuseok), Korea’s harvest festival, where families gather to celebrate the harvest, eat lots of delicious food like 송편 (rice cakes), and pay respect to their ancestors. The vibe is cozy, and it’s a great month to experience some of the best parts of Korean culture and nature.

How to say August in Korean

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