How to say October in Korean

How to say October in Korean

October in Korean is 시월 (siwol) or 10월.

  • 10 is 십 (sip) in Korean.
  • 월 (wol) means “month.”

While most months in Korean are formed by combining a Sino-Korean number with “월” (meaning “month”), October is a bit of an exception. The word for “ten” is “십” (sip), but in the case of October, the “ㅂ” sound is dropped, resulting in “시” instead of “십.”

So, instead of 십월, it’s 시월 (siwol) for October, due to the modification for smoother pronunciation.

How to say October in Korean
How to say October in Korean

October Public Holidays in South Korea

In South Korea, the two public holidays in October are:

National Foundation Day (개천절 – Gaecheonjeol): Celebrated on October 3rd, National Foundation Day commemorates the founding of the ancient Korean kingdom of Gojoseon by the legendary figure 단군왕검 (Dangun Wanggeom). It’s a day to honor Korea’s cultural origins and the beginning of its history.

Hangeul Day (한글날 – Hangeulnal): Observed on October 9th, Hangeul Day celebrates the creation of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul, by King Sejong the Great in 1443. It recognizes the importance of the script in making literacy more accessible to the Korean people.

These holidays highlight the pride South Koreans have in their history and culture.


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