How to Say ‘How Much’ in Korean

How to Say ‘How Much’ in Korean

Learning how to ask “how much” in Korean is a useful and essential phrase, especially when shopping, dining out, or just curious about the price of something. This phrase is simple and easy to learn and knowing it will come in handy.

Let’s break it down step by step!

How to say ‘How Much’ in Korean – 얼마?

In Korean, “how much” is “얼마” (eolma). This word is straightforward and easy to remember. 얼마 (eol-ma)!

How to say ‘How Much is This’ in Korean – 이거 얼마?

To say ‘How much is this?’ in Korean, you add the word ‘이거’ before 얼마 which becomes ‘이거 얼마’ (igeo eolma).

Here’s a breakdown of the phrase:

  • 이거 (igeo) means ‘this’ (referring to something near the speaker).
  • 얼마 (eolma) means ‘how much.’

So, ‘이거 얼마’ is the simplest form, without any polite or casual ending and it translates to ‘How much is this?’ in Korean.

How to say ‘How Much is That’ in Korean – 그거얼마?

To say “How much is that?” in Korean without any polite ending, you say “그거 얼마?” (geugeo eolma?).

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 그거 (geugeo) means ‘that’ (referring to something further away from the speaker).
  • 얼마 (eolma) means ‘how much.’

So, “그거 얼마?” (geugeo eolma?) is the simplest form, without any polite or casual ending and it translates to ‘How much is that?’ in Korean.

Korean Levels of Formality

There are three main levels of formality in Korean: formal, polite (standard), and informal. Each level is used in different contexts, depending on who you’re speaking to and the situation.

Below, you’ll learn how to say “how much” in Korean at each level of formality.

Formal ‘How Much’ in Korean – 얼마입니까?

The formal way to ask ‘How much?’ in Korean is 얼마입니까? (eolma-imnikka?). This form is used in very polite situations, such as when you’re speaking to someone significantly older, in a professional setting, or when you want to show extra respect.

Here’s a Breakdown of 얼마입니까:

  • 얼마 (eolma) means ‘how much.’
  • 입니까 (imnikka) is a formal ending.

When you combine them, you get “얼마입니까?”, which directly translates to “How much?” So, 얼마입니까 is the formal way of asking ‘how much’ in Korean.

When to use 얼마입니까

Example 1:

At a fancy restaurant or when speaking to an elder, you might ask:

“이 음식이 얼마입니까?” (i eumsiki eolma imnikka?) – “How much is this food?”

Here’s the breakdown:

  • before 음식 means ‘this’.
  • 음식 means food.
  • 얼마입니까 is the formal way of asking ‘how much’

When combined, you get “이 음식이 얼마입니까?” which is the formal way of asking “How much is this food?”

Example 2:

You are at a traditional market and see an elderly shopkeeper selling beautiful ceramics. You want to ask for the price of a vase, you might ask:

이 꽃병 얼마입니까? (I kkotbyeong eolmaimnikka?) – “How much is this vase?”

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 이 means ‘this.’
  • 꽃병 means vase.
  • 얼마입니까 is the formal way of asking ‘how much’

Standard ‘How Much’ in Korean – 얼마예요?

The standard way to ask ‘how much’ is 얼마예요? (eolmayeyo?). This form is widely used and appropriate in most situations, such as when talking to strangers, in stores, or with people you don’t know well. It is polite but not overly formal.

Here’s a Breakdown of 얼마예요:

  • 얼마 (eolma) means ‘how much.’
  • 예요 (yeyo) is a standard polite ending.

When you put them together, you get 얼마예요?, which directly translates to “How much?” So, 얼마예요 is the standard or polite way of asking ‘how much’ in Korean.

When to use 얼마예요

You can use 얼마예요? in various situations where you need to know the price of something. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Shopping: When you’re at a market, store, or street vendor, you can point to an item and say 얼마예요? to ask for the price.
  • Restaurants and Cafes: If a menu doesn’t have prices listed, you can use 얼마예요? to ask how much a particular dish or drink costs.
  • Taxis and Services: If you’re taking a taxi or using a service where the cost isn’t fixed, you can ask 얼마예요? to find out the fare or fee.

Making It Specific

Sometimes, you might want to ask about the price of a specific item. In that case, you can add the name of the item before 얼마예요?.

Example 1:

이 책 얼마예요? (i chaek eolmayeyo?) – “How much is this book?”

  • 이 (i) means ‘this.’
  • 책 (chaek) means ‘book.’
  • 얼마예요 means ‘how much’

So, 이 책 얼마예요? translates to “How much is this book?” in Korean.

Example 2:

이 사과 얼마예요? (i sagwa eolmayeyo?) – “How much is this apple?”

  • 이 (i) means ‘this.’
  • 사과 (sagwa) means ‘apple.’
  • 얼마예요 means ‘how much’

So, 이 사과 얼마예요? translates to”How much is this apple?” in Korean.

Example 3:

You walk into a convenience store and want to buy a bottle of water. You ask the cashier:

이 물 얼마예요? (I mul eolmayeyo?) – “How much is this water?”

  • 이 means’this’.
  • 물 means’water’.
  • 얼마예요 means ‘how much’

So, 이 물 얼마예요? translates to”How much is this water?” in Korean.

Example 4:

If you want to refer to something that is further away, you might ask:

그거얼마예요? (geugeo eolmayeyo?) – “How much is that?”

  • 그거 (geugeo) means’that’.
  • 얼마예요 is the polite way of asking ‘how much’.

Therefore, “그거얼마예요?” is the standard or polite way of asking “How much is that?” in Korean.

Informal ‘How Much’ in Korean – 얼마야?

The informal way to ask ‘how much’ in Korean is “얼마야?” (eolmaya?). This form is used with close friends, family members, or people of the same age or younger when a casual tone is acceptable. It’s the least formal and should be used carefully.

Here’s a Breakdown of 얼마야:

  • 얼마 (eolma) means “how much.”
  • 야 (ya) is an informal ending.

When you combine them, you get “얼마야?”, which translates to “How much?” So, 얼마야 is the informal way of asking ‘how much’ in Korean.

When to use 얼마야

Example 1:

You’re at a flea market with a close friend, and you see a cool hat. You casually ask your friend:

이 모자 얼마야? (I moja eolmaya?) – “How much is this hat?”

  • 이 means’this’.
  • 모자 means hat.
  • 얼마야 is the informal way of asking ‘how much.’

So, 이 모자 얼마야? is the informal way of asking “How much is this hat?” in Korean.

Example 2:

Talking to a friend, without saying the name of the item, you might ask:

이거 얼마야?” (igeo eolmaya?) – “How much is this?”

  • 이거 means’this’.
  • 얼마야 is the informal way of asking ‘how much’.

Therefore, “이거 얼마야?” is the informal way of asking “How much is this?” in Korean.

Example 3:

Talking to a close friend, if the item is further away, you might ask:

그거 얼마야?” (geugeo eolmaya?) – “How much is that?”

  • 그거 means ‘that’.
  • 얼마야 is the informal way of asking ‘how much’.

Therefore, “그거 얼마야?” is the informal way of asking “How much is that?” in Korean.


Here’s a quick recap of how to ask “how much” in Korean at different levels of formality:

  • Formal: 얼마입니까? (eolmaimnikka?) – Very polite, used in formal settings.
  • Standard: 얼마예요? (eolmayeyo?) – Common, polite for everyday use.
  • Informal: 얼마야? (eolmaya?) – Casual, used with friends and family.

Knowing these variations helps you communicate appropriately in different social situations. Keep practicing, and you’ll soon find yourself more confident in asking about prices in Korean.

‘How Much’ in Korean Vocabulary Recap

Here’s a table with the vocabulary used to ask “How much?” in Korean. This table should help you easily remember and distinguish between the different ways to ask “How much?” in Korean.

KoreanRevised RomanizationEnglish
얼마eolmaHow much
얼마입니까?eolmaimnikkaFormal ‘How much’
얼마예요?eolmayeyoStandard ‘How much’
얼마야?eolmayaInformal ‘How much’
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