How to say GIRL in Korean

How to say GIRL in Korean

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There are two common ways to say “girl” in Korean: 소녀 (sonyeo), and 여자 아이 (yeoja ai). Both of these phrases can be used to refer to a girl in Korean.

소녀 (sonyeo): The General Term for “GIRL”

소녀 (sonyeo) is the more common and straightforward word for “girl” in Korean. It’s a simple term that is used in everyday conversation and writing.

When you want to refer to a girl, whether it’s a child or a young woman, you can use “소녀.”

여자 아이 (yeoja ai): Specifically “Female Child”

여자 아이 (yeoja ai) translates to “female child” in Korean. It’s a more descriptive way to refer to a girl, emphasizing her gender and age.

While “소녀” is more general and can apply to girls of all ages, “여자 아이” specifically points to a female child. It can be used when you want to emphasize the youthfulness or age of the girl.

When to Use Which Term

Use “소녀 (sonyeo)” when:

  • Referring to girls in a general or neutral manner.
  • Talking about girls of various ages without emphasizing their youth.
  • In everyday conversations or casual writing.

Use “여자 아이 (yeoja ai)” when:

  • You want to specifically emphasize that you’re talking about a female child or a very young girl.
  • Emphasizing the girl’s age or youthfulness is important to your conversation or writing.


In summary, “소녀” is the more general and common term for “girl” that can be used in most situations. “여자 아이” is more specific and emphasizes the youth or age of the girl, so you’d use it when that detail is relevant to your conversation or when you want to be more specific.


GIRL in Korean Vocabulary

How to say GIRL in Korean Vocabulary
  1. 소녀 (sonyeo)
  2. R 아이 (yeoja ai)
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