왜 (Wae) Meaning
왜 (Wae)
왜 (wae) is a Korean interrogative pronoun that means...
Korean Fun Facts: History
Korean Fun Facts: History
Changdeokgung Palace, located in Seoul, South Korea...
How to write 'Jujube' in Korean
How to write 'Jujube' in Korean
The word 'jujube' is written in Korean as 대추.
Korean Sentence: 이거 사고 싶어요.
Korean Sentence: 이거 사고 싶어요
"이거 사고 싶어요" (i-geo sa-go si-peo-yo) means "I want to...
How do you determine whether to use ㄹ 거예요 or 을 거예요 in Korean?
How do you determine whether to use ㄹ 거예요 or 을 거예요 in Korean?
You determine whether to use ㄹ 거예요 or 을 거예요 based on...
누구의 (Nuguui) Meaning
누구의 (Nuguui)
누구의 (nu-gu-ui) means "whose" in Korean. It is used...
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
To count flat items like paper, you use the Korean...
How to write 'Strawberry' in Hangeul
How to write 'Strawberry' in Hangeul
The word "strawberry" in Hangeul is written as 딸기.
Expressing 'I Want To' with '-고 싶어요'
Expressing 'I Want To' with '-고 싶어요'
This post may contain affiliate links, which means...
What does '돈이 없어요' mean?
What does '돈이 없어요' mean?
"돈이 없어요" means "I don't have money." in Korean.
누가 (Nuga) Meaning
누가 (Nuga)
누가 (nu-ga) is a Korean interrogative pronoun that means...
Korean Fun Facts: History
Korean Fun Facts: History
The 창덕궁 (Changdeok Palace) was constructed in 1405...
친구를 만났어요.
친구를 만났어요.
"친구를 만났어요." translates to "I met a friend." or "I met...
Korean Sentence: 햄버거 먹고 싶어요.
Korean Sentence: 햄버거 먹고 싶어요
"햄버거 먹고 싶어요." (haem-beo-geo meok-go si-peo-yo) means...
What does '하고' mean in Korean?
What does '하고' mean in Korean?
하고 (ha-go) means "and" in Korean. It is used to connect...
어느 (Eoneu) Meaning
어느 (Eoneu)
어느 (eo-neu) is a Korean interrogative pronoun that...
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
To count animals in Korean, you use the counter 마리...
비가 왔어요. 그래서 집에 있었어요.
비가 왔어요. 그래서 집에 있었어요.
"비가 왔어요. 그래서 집에 있었어요." translates to "It rained, so...
Korean Sentence: 뭐 먹고 싶어요?
Korean Sentence: 뭐 먹고 싶어요?
"뭐 먹고 싶어요?" (mwo meok-go si-peo-yo) means "What do...
What does an Object Marking Particle do in Korean?
What does an Object Marking Particle do in Korean?
In Korean, an Object Marking Particle marks the direct...
어디 (Eodi) Meaning
어디 (Eodi)
어디 (eodi) means "where" in Korean. It is commonly used...
Korean Fun Facts: History
Korean Fun Facts: Geography
Namsan Tower, or N Seoul Tower, is a famous landmark...
How to write 'orange' (the fruit) in Hangeul
How to write 'Orange' (the fruit) in Hangeul
The word "orange" in Hangeul is written as 오렌지.
금사빠 (geum-sa-ppa) is short for '금방 사랑에 빠지는 사람', which...
Korean Sentence: 김치 먹고 싶어요
Korean Sentence: 김치 먹고 싶어요
"김치 먹고 싶어요" (gim-chi meok-go si-peo-yo) means "I want...
Can you give an example of a Korean sentence where the Object Marking Particle is optional?
Can you give an Example of a Korean Sentence where the Object Marking Particle is Optional?
When the object and verb are close, you can either...
무엇 (Mueot) Meaning
무엇 (Mueot)
무엇 (mu-eot) means "what" in Korean. It is used to inquire...
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
To count age in Korean, you use the counter 살 (sal...
How to write 'Apple' in Hangeul
How to write 'Apple' in Hangeul
The word "apple" in Hangeul is written as 사과.
Korean Sentence: 더 사고 싶어요
Korean Sentence: 더 사고 싶어요
더 사고 싶어요 (deo sa-go si-peo-yo) means "I want to buy...
What does '저는 학생이에요. 그리고 한국어를 공부해요.' mean?
What does '저는 학생이에요. 그리고 한국어를 공부해요.' mean?
"저는 학생이에요. 그리고 한국어를 공부해요." means "I am a student. And...
예요 (yeyo) Meaning
예요 (yeyo)
예요 (yeyo) is a polite way to say "is" or "am" in Korean...
Korean Fun Facts: History
Korean Fun Facts: History
Changdeokgung Palace was designated as a UNESCO World...
How to write 'Banana' in Hangeul
How to write 'Banana' in Hangeul
The word "banana" in Hangeul is written as 바나나.
Korean Sentence: 더 마시고 싶어요
Korean Sentence: 더 마시고 싶어요
더 마시고 싶어요 (deo ma-si-go si-peo-yo) means "I want to...
What does '공부해요' mean?
What does '공부해요' mean?
"공부해요" (gong-bu-hae-yo) means "I study" or "I am studying."...
이거 (igeo) Meaning
이거 (igeo)
이거 (igeo) means "this" or "this thing" in Korean. You...
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
To count long, thin objects like straws in Korean,...
How to write 'Pineapple' in Hangeul
How to write 'Pineapple' in Hangeul
The word "pineapple" in Hangeul is written as 파인애플...
Korean Sentence: 더 먹고 싶어요
Korean Sentence: 더 먹고 싶어요
더 먹고싶어요 (deo meok-go si-peo-yo) means "I want to eat...
What does '오늘 비가 왔어요' mean?
What does '오늘 비가 왔어요' mean?
"오늘 비가 왔어요." means "It rained today."
여름휴가 (Yeoreum Hyuga) Meaning
여름휴가 (Yeoreum Hyuga)
여름휴가 (Yeoreum Hyuga) means "summer vacation" or "summer...
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Counters
To count cups or glasses of beverages in Korean, you...
20 Korean Verbs in the Polite Future Tense
20 Korean Verbs in the Polite Future Tense
Here’s a list of 20 common Korean verbs conjugated...
Korean Phrase -고 싶어요
Korean Phrase -고 싶어요
The verb ending -고 싶어요 translates to "I want to." It...
What is the difference between 쉴 거예요 and 쉬할 거예요?
What is the difference between 쉴 거예요 and 쉬할 거예요?
쉴 거예요 comes from the verb 쉬다 (to rest). It means "I...
이에요 (ieyo) Meaning
이에요 (ieyo)
이에요 (ieyo) is a polite form of the verb "이다" (ida),...
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Slangs
Korean Fun Facts: Korean Slangs
금사빠 (geum-sa-ppa) is a slang term in Korean that refers...
What does ‘Eolma’ mean in Korean?
What does ‘Eolma’ mean in Korean?
얼마 (eol-ma) means "how much" in Korean. It is used...
It's Not Delicious in Korean: 맛없어요
It's Not Delicious in Korean: 맛없어요
맛없어요 (ma-deop-seo-yo) is a common Korean phrase that...
When the Verb '쓰다' is Conjugated into the Polite Present Tense, why is it '써요' and not '쓰어요'?
When the Verb '쓰다' is Conjugated into the Polite Present Tense why is it '써요' and not '쓰어요'?
The verb 쓰다 (to write) is conjugated as 써요 in the polite...
잠시만요 (Jamsimanyo) Meaning
잠시만요 (Jamsimanyo)
잠시만요 (jamsimanyo) is a polite expression in Korean...
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