What is ART in Korean

What is ART in Korean?

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In Korean, the word for “ART” is “미술” (pronounced “misul”) or “예술” (pronounced “yesul”).

What is the Difference between 미술 (misul) and 예술 (yesul)?

“미술” (misul) and “예술” (yesul) both refer to art in Korean, but they have slightly different meanings and contexts.

미술 (Misul – Visual Arts)

“미술” specifically refers to the visual arts, encompassing various art forms that are primarily visual in nature.

It includes traditional art forms such as painting, calligraphy, and sculpture, as well as modern and contemporary visual arts like photography, digital art, and installations.

Essentially, “미술” focuses on the creation of visual representations and expressions.

예술 (Yesul – Art)

“예술,” on the other hand, is a more general term that encompasses a broader range of artistic expressions.

It includes not only visual arts (미술) but also other forms of art such as music (음악), theater (연극), literature (문학), dance (춤), film (영화), and crafts (공예). 

In essence, “예술” is an all-encompassing term for various artistic disciplines that aim to express human emotions, imagination, and creativity through different mediums.


In summary, “미술” (misul) is a subset of “예술” (yesul).

While “미술” specifically refers to visual arts, “예술” covers a more extensive array of artistic expressions, including both visual and non-visual art forms.

Korean Art Vocabulary

What is Art in Korean
  1. 예술 (Yesul) – Art
  2. 미술 (Misul) – Visual Arts
  3. 음악 (Eumak) – Music
  4. 연극 (Yeongeuk) – Theater/Drama
  5. 춤 (Chum) – Dance
  6. 문학 (Munhak) – Literature
  7. 영화 (Yeonghwa) – Film/Cinema
  8. 공예 (Gongye) – Crafts

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