3 Ways to Say Spring in Korean

3 Ways to Say SPRING in Korean

In English, the word “spring” can refer to different things, like the season, a coiled metal device, or a source of water. We rely on context to understand which meaning is intended.

However, in Korean, there are three ways to refer to spring: 봄 (Bom), 스프링 (Seupeuring), and 샘 (Saem), each reflecting a different interpretation of the word.

How to Say Spring in Korean

1. 봄 (Bom) – Spring as a Season in Korean

3 Ways to Say SPRING in Korean

The most common association with “spring” is the season of rebirth and renewal, known in Korean as “” (bom). This is the time of year when the cold grip of winter fades, making way for blossoming flowers and longer, sunnier days.

In Korea, 봄 is a season of joy, marked by traditional festivals like the Cherry Blossom Festival (벚꽃축제) and the Azalea Festival (진달래축제), where people gather to enjoy nature’s beauty and celebrate the coming of warmer weather.

2. 스프링 (Seupeuring) – Spring as a Mechanical Device in Korean

3 Ways to Say SPRING in Korean

In the mechanical sense, such as a coiled metal object used in engineering or everyday items, the word for “spring” in Korean is 스프링 (seupeuring). This term is borrowed from the English word “spring”. From vehicle suspension systems to pens and mattresses, 스프링 plays a crucial role in modern technology and daily life.

3. 샘 (Saem) – Spring as a Water Source in Korean

3 Ways to Say SPRING in Korean

The third meaning of “spring” in Korean refers to a natural source of water, such as a spring that emerges from the ground. This is known as 샘 (saem). Natural springs are valued in Korea for their purity and are often associated with rural landscapes and traditional stories.

Wrap Up

Whether you’re enjoying the blooming flowers of , relying on the mechanics of 스프링, or seeking the refreshing waters of a , the concept of “spring” in Korean offers a unique glimpse into the language’s flexibility and the cultural context surrounding it.

SPRING in Korean Vocabulary Recap

How to Say Spring in Korean
  1. (bom) – Spring (the season)
  2. 스프링 (seupeuring) – Spring (mechanical object)
  3. (saem) – Spring (water source)

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